A Dietary advice: Take Vanefist Neo for Losing Weight

To lose weight and fat, you must eat to your heart’s content, never resist hunger. You should also eat slowly during your meals. You don’t necessarily have to eat less to lose weight, but you have to eat differently. Certain foods such as apples should be preferred to sweets during a weight loss diet. More broadly, you should prepare your own dishes, taking inspiration from the Mediterranean model.

What to eat to lose weight?

You should eat less of certain foods, especially sweet-tasting foods; they can be replaced by seasonal fruit, if possible from local organic farming. Apples, for example, have satiating properties thanks to the fibre found in their skin.
Eaten as a smoothie, this skin is easily assimilated. Green tea also promotes the elimination of fat thanks to the theine it contains, which acts on the metabolism by increasing energy expenditure, as does guarana thanks to its caffeine, which diffuses more slowly than coffee. However, it is important to drink green tea away from the main meals to avoid iron anaemia. Spirulina is also considered an appetite suppressant because it is a nutrient-dense food. The Mediterranean or Cretan diet is in fact the most complete answer to the question of what to eat to lose weight.
Fresh and dried fruit, vegetables and legumes, olive oil, as well as fish, white meat and eggs in small quantities are a guarantee of longevity but also of lasting slimming.

How to eat to lose weight?

If the body resists hunger, it defends itself by reducing its calorie expenditure. It’s a vicious circle: the fewer calories you take in, the fewer calories your body expends. In the end, you may not lose weight despite almost starving yourself. Moreover, by resisting hunger you feel tired, you lack energy. If you are hungry, your body needs calories. You have to provide it with them. It is not a question of gorging yourself; you must eat as much as you want, not more, not less. You should not rely on your willpower to resist hunger to lose weight, it only lasts for a while. Taking Vanefist neo will help you a lot: Vanefist Neo Where To Buy.

Increase the number of meals

To lose weight you need to increase the number of meals: 6 meals a day makes it easier to lose weight and fat

Eating 6 meals a day is ideal when material, family and professional conditions allow it. The more you divide the daily total into a large number of snacks, the more calories your body will spend on absorbing and digesting food, and therefore lose fat. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as negative calories, simply because the balance of calories in and calories out is negative. Lean meats, for example, such as chicken and turkey, are an important source of protein and force the digestive system to work harder. It is important to note that animal proteins in particular are difficult for the body to digest because they are broken down into small pieces called amino acids, which the body recombines together to form the proteins that make up each of our organs and muscles.

It is by dipping into the fat reserves to get the energy needed to break them down that our body will lose the excess fat stored in the thighs, buttocks and stomach. You burn a lot of calories just by digesting. In addition, you feel much better, more dynamic and in better shape. Be careful, however, not to follow a diet with too much protein if you do not do a lot of physical activity at the same time! The slimming effect would be rapid but ineffective in the long term because it would cause a yo-yo effect.

Organisation of time

Above all, don’t cut out a meal. On the contrary, try to eat 6 times a day. For example: 7.30am – 10am – 12pm – 4pm – 7pm – 10pm (before going to bed). If you take 8 meals, it’s even better (7.30am – 9am – 10.30am – 12pm – 3pm – 5pm – 7pm – 10pm), but 6 is already very good. By multiplying the number of times you eat, you will not necessarily absorb a higher overall daily quantity, because you will be less hungry at the main meals. In any case, you can gradually absorb more calories and still lose weight because your body will spend more. But be careful! Imperatives 1 and 2 will only be effective if you also comply with the third imperative. To lose fat, you need to increase your carbohydrate intake and the number of meals you eat, but also eat less fat.

Follow a fat-free diet

Following a fat-free diet, i.e. reducing fat while increasing carbohydrates in your menu, will help you lose weight and belly fat. To lose weight you must eat less fat.

Reducing the amount of fat in your diet means cutting down on oil, butter, milk cream, visible fatty parts of meat (pork, mutton, duck), cold cuts, fried food, all preparations, sauces and seasonings made with oil, butter, cream, margarine and any other fatty substance. Choose low-fat fish instead of meat. Choose skimmed or low-fat dairy products.

The useful daily intake of fat is low: Although fat is essential to life, the requirement is only the value of one dessert spoonful of oil and butter, or the fat equivalent of milk, per day. You could ultimately eliminate all fats. You don’t have to be so excessive, but you should know that the more you reduce fat in favour of non-fat foods, the easier it is to lose weight. To compensate for this, you should increase the proportion of non-sugar carbohydrate foods, i.e. cereals (bread, pasta, rice), vegetables, and keep the normal proportion of fruit (2 to 3 per day).

When you eat outside of your three main meals, you should eat 50 to 80 grams (3 slices) of bread, dry or with a tomato, or 100 to 200 grams of potatoes (without fat of course), or a skimmed goat or sheep yoghurt and a piece of fruit, or 100 to 150 grams of pasta or rice (weighed and cooked) without fat.

Savour your food slowly

Chew each mouthful for a long time, mixing it with your saliva before swallowing. Foods that provide carbohydrates are also those that best calm hunger, ideally wholemeal basmati rice and buckwheat bread. Wholemeal pasta is also suitable if you are not allergic to gluten and if you digest it easily. Avoid potatoes (even boiled with the skin on) as they are not a slow sugar, although they are a complex sugar. A mashed potato has a glycemic index of 83 which is comparable to the glycemic index of sweets!

Avoid sweet-tasting products

Eat less sugar, even though it is a carbohydrate, because sugar does not calm hunger well, so you tend to take in more calories than you burn. You should also eat as few cakes as possible (almost all of them are sweet and very high in fat) and avoid drinking sodas or colas.

Take Vanefist Neo

Vanefist Neo is a dietary supplement that comes in the form of tablets for those who are struggling to lose weight. This supplement is great for assisting with diet and exercise, helping to shed extra weight even in the most difficult areas of the body. This product is made with plant extracts, which naturally speed metabolism and aid in the burning of adipose tissues: Vanefist Neo Original.

Is a protein diet necessary to lose weight?

A protein diet, also known as a high protein diet, consisting of foods rich in protein or enriched with fast protein supplements, leads to the loss of 2 to 3 kilos of water in a few days but zero grams of fat. Moreover, the protein diet is quick but not effective in the long term because it causes a yo-yo effect. It is not a good solution for losing fat; on the other hand, proteins have their place in the menu of sportsmen and women for the maintenance or the gain of muscle mass.

The role of proteins in a diet to lose weight:

The so-called miracle fast diets for losing weight are based on a diet that is too rich in protein. In order to lose weight, you should not increase the proportion of protein. You should keep the normal proportion, no more and no less.

There is one exception, in sport. In fact, only sportsmen and women can deviate from the rule and increase their protein intake without risk. As the training load is often high, their protein requirements increase for the maintenance or gain of muscle mass, to rebuild organic proteins, facilitate muscle recovery and avoid catabolism and muscle soreness. These requirements range from 1 to 2 g per kg of body weight per day depending on the sporting activity practised.

Thus, to be effective in sport and to rebuild and maintain muscle fibres, it is interesting to consume eggs and spirulina as a priority. Egg proteins are considered as reference proteins.

Spirulina, with its iron, beta-carotene and protein content, is the essential anti-deficiency food for sportsmen and women who are concerned about their well-being. A teaspoon of spirulina flakes with orange juice every morning is enough to avoid any nutritional deficit. But there are other high-protein supplements and other protein-rich foods that can enrich the menu of athletes.

The transformation of proteins: To live, grow and maintain our cells, our body needs supplements such as proteins, which are essential to life. Proteins are large molecules made up of small units linked together, like the beads in a necklace.
During digestion, proteins are sequenced, i.e. cut into small units called amino acids. The individual amino acids then pass into the bloodstream. Amino acids are essential for the proper functioning of the body and are used to maintain tissues, ensure growth, particularly of muscle mass, and manufacture hormones. Of the 20 amino acids that exist, 8 are essential to us. They are found in animal and plant proteins.

Protein-rich foods: Animal proteins + Vegetable proteins.
It is not necessary to consume both animal and plant proteins in a 1:1 ratio. If you want to avoid eating foods of animal origin, you simply need to combine legumes and wholegrain cereals, which will provide the body with all the protein components that are essential amino acids; the classic example is the combination of semolina and chickpeas. These wholegrain + legume combinations offer a wide variety of dishes, but it is essential to choose organic shops when using this approach in order to avoid the pesticides that are inevitable in the food industry. The organic sections of supermarkets are not suitable because they lack advice and a human approach. Bio shops are preferable or, directly, organic producers who sell on markets. This is the best approach to get good advice, culinary tips and reliable information. The extra cost is well worth the gain in quality.

Water intake is essential

Do not under any circumstances deprive yourself of drinking water. Fat is not water, but to avoid the bloating that some people get from a diet rich in carbohydrates, drink between meals; even eat water-rich foods, especially fruit, and chew for a long time.
Beware of the so-called miracle weight loss diets of weight loss charlatans. There are some variations, but they are all based on menus that are too rich in protein and therefore dehydrating! You lose 2 to 3 kg of water in a few days, but not a gram of fat. Moreover, it is very bad for your health. There is no such thing as weight loss products: either they are completely ineffective, which is the least bad thing, except for your wallet, or they make you lose 2 to 3 litres of water and that’s it: it’s useless and anti-physiological. Don’t forget that you need to lose fat, but absolutely not water. With the diet I’m showing you, you will lose fat, only 30 to 100 grams a day, but it will really be fat. It may even happen that you gain 1 kg in the first 3 days, corresponding to the water balance of your body.

High-protein supplements

Among all the supplements composed of fast protein we advise for sportsmen and women the hydrolised whey and the dairy isolate.

  • Hydrolyzed whey: Whey is extracted from whey, which is a residue from the manufacture of cheese. The proteins in hydrolyzed whey are cut into small chains, which allows them to be more quickly assimilated by the body. It is best consumed immediately after training.
  • Dairy isolate or whey isolate: The protein content of dairy isolate is higher than whey (85-95% protein) thanks to a micro-filtration process. There is no lactose in this type of supplement, so possible digestive problems are avoided. It is also a fast protein, very quickly assimilated, to be consumed like hydrolised whey just after training.

To lose weight you need to increase your basal metabolic rate

Increasing your basic metabolism by strengthening your muscles and therefore increasing your muscle mass is the ideal sports programme and the first decisive method for slimming down and staying in top shape. Eating complex carbohydrates instead of fats and drinking plenty of water is the second most important way to boost your metabolism. Thirdly, you can maintain your metabolism without sport, provided you stand up as often as possible.

Strength training boosts the metabolism: The basic metabolism can be increased at any age by weight training for both men and women. Regardless of the age of the athlete, muscles represent about 50% of body weight and are very active metabolically; muscle mass is energy consuming. If you have less muscle mass, your metabolism slows down. An 8% increase in basal metabolic rate has even been observed in people over 65 years of age who had taken up weight training, whereas the natural tendency is to slow down by 2% per decade after the age of 40.

Muscles use energy: The share of muscle maintenance (muscle tone) in the basic metabolism is 18%; it is 19% for the brain, 7% for the heart, 27% for the liver, 10% for the kidneys and 19% for the other organs.

Weight training programme to increase basal metabolic rate

For a fitness and maintenance objective, you should follow a concentric strength training programme based on endurance work in long sets with light loads; for example, if the maximum load moved in squats is 50kg, you should do sets of 20 squats at 60% of 50kg, i.e. at 30kg. To avoid long and tedious calculations it is possible to consult on the site a table of the loads of training in body-building making it possible to know the mass to be moved according to the desired objective, gain in mass, gain in power or maintenance.

Behaviours to avoid

Do not forget to have a good breakfast in the morning; the body would interpret a caloric restriction as a threat. In order to preserve its reserves, it would then slow down its metabolism. The total daily calorie intake should be over 1200 calories. For the same reason as for the morning meal, there is a threat of shortage for the body over the whole day. It protects itself by idling and causes the yo-yo effect, the consequence of a restrictive diet. The “metabolism diet”, also known as the “13-day diet”, is the perfect example of a low-calorie diet (only 800 calories per day for 13 days) that is far too restrictive. It should be avoided altogether. Don’t forget your best ally: Vanefist Neo Dietary Supplement.

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